DNA has master cell and that is the Pineal gland. When the Pineal glad is open it is the portal to our psychic abilities. When the heart is open, you expand your consciousness to activating your dormat DNA and ascending you into higher vibrations which is higher states of consciousness bringing quantum healing, peace on earth, joy, incredible soulful experiences, love and Harmony.
Ascension activates your divine blueprint, your oversoul! The process of Ascension raises one's vibration from shifting dense thoughts and feelings known as a shadow to thoughts and feelings that are positive known as light. Light is information and darkness is lack of information. Hence the term shadow work. One's awareness to triggers, ancestral biology, archon programs that psychic attack your light and limited mindset. allows one to shift from that lower vibrational state of consciousness through spiritual work of connecting with your soul. As one reprograms their subconscious they lighten the density within. Which feels like a huge burden has been lifted from the mind, body and spirit, allowing for DNA to activate and to merge with your oversoul for your divine path which is your highest vibrational timeline. That energy brings peace on this planet. You are the sacred key to unlock your powerful abilities, to feel unconditionally loved, and to live abundantly. It is your birthright, however it's free will of our soul to choose. You are worthy!