Galactic knowledge
After Atlantis inversion technology previously used by the Annunaki disabled 10 strands from 12, allowing only two strand helix within the DNA of 12 to activate. That made it harder for the DNA to activate to light as that created the carbon base within DNA and also the magnetic poles shifted. That was inorganic timeline and is done. Through vibration of this planet during the harmonic convergence of 2012 and the great conjunction of 2020 that ushered the great awakening, we have secured the timelines for Ascension. The magnetic poles have shifted, the tectonic plates and crystalline core are activating. Just as you are activating so i s this planet to its organic template too. Hence, the spiritual and galactic battles as your vibration is the key to unlocking your greatest abilities and divine organic template. It’s always been about energy, vibration and frequency as it unlocks illusions and distortions allowing love and harmony, the highest frequencies! Light is knowledge and our DNA stores memories and our biology is based of that.
Diamond Light Body
The sun is a portal. That circle of light brings frequencies of light from the great central sun to our sun and to our body. Hence the term lightbody. Waves of consciousness that are filled codes known as diamond light codes. As codes stream in it activates your dormat DNA from it's 2 strand double helix to 12. DNA activations will increase from 2 to 3 then onward to 12 double helix, making 144 individual strands of DNA. This is the activation of your Diamond Lightbody. Upgrading your 7 chakra system to 12, allowing acceptance, love and unity all while your psychic abilities, remembrance, astral travel, instant manifesting and living in a states of higher consciousness known as bliss increase as you quantum heal. DNA activation of 12 to 24 strands is known as the activation of your Diamond sun light body. When DNA activations 12 to 24 and becomes Double Diamond sun body. Doesn’t stop there, From 24 to 48 and 48 to 72 making 144,000 gene expressions. You are an angel in human form, may you see your light!